In the Maritime-Port Area, integrated management of Risk, Emergency, Contingency, and Business Continuity from a comprehensive perspective is critical to achieving an effective state of Port Community Security.
The Blue Fund program, specifically the support outlined in Notice 4/2017, aims to finance projects for training, investment, and actions designed to enhance Maritime Security.
The current project, Maritime-Port Supply Chain Security (GISAMP), aims to implement a Collective Efficiency Strategy that considers the Maritime-Port Process (see attached image) from its broadest perspective, including the Strategic or Management layer (Administrations and Authorities), Operational layer (Port Facilities), and Support layer (flows and support). The project will focus on developing the following actions:
Situation Diagnosis
Training and Competency Development according to the dual model
Consultancy and Technical Assistance Actions aimed at ensuring the implementation of a Management System supported by ISO 28000 - Supply Chain Security Management, eligible for International Certification.
Considering the Maritime-Port context, the standards ISO 27001 and ISO 20858 will also be taken into account. ISO 27001 pertains to Information Security, while ISO 20858 relates to the Security Planning of port infrastructures. The latter standard supports the implementation of best practices for a more efficient management of ISPS Code requirements.
The total eligible expenditure approved for the project partners amounts to €261,000, with an approved financing of €200,000 from the Blue Fund, corresponding to an average financing rate of 77%.
1. Description and Objectives
- The CoLogistics Project, or Project for the Logistic Collaboration Framework in the Galicia-North Portugal Euroregion, promotes cross-border collaboration in the fields of transport and logistics.
- The overall goal of the project is to foster internationalisation and increase the foreign presence of the productive fabric in the Galicia-North Portugal Euroregion by promoting logistic activities and enhancing its organisational and technological capabilities.
- CoLogistics aims to strengthen the logistics function as a whole, with the following objectives:
- To develop the logistics sector as one capable of driving economic activity and job creation;
- To assist the productive fabric in successfully addressing the internationalisation of its supply chains and accessing foreign markets, transforming market demands into opportunities and improving exports.
2. Partners
- AEP - Association of Portuguese Enterprises
- Municipality of Famalicão
- CEP - Confederation of Businessmen of Pontevedra
- Xunta de Galicia (through IGAPE and the Directorate General of Mobility)
- Port of Vigo
- APDL - Administration of the Ports of Douro, Leixões, and Viana do Castelo
3. Execution Period
From july 2019 to june 2022.
4. Activities
- ACTIVITY 1 – Information and Analysis of Logistical Needs and Opportunities in the Euroregion
- Analysis of the performance of the logistics function in the Galiza-North Portugal Euroregion, examining key stakeholders, global opportunities facing the industrial and logistics sectors, as well as the state of the Euroregion's external connectivity and possibilities for improvement.
- ACTIVITY 2 – Enhancing the Logistical Competitiveness of the Euroregion
- A set of actions aimed at improving the competitiveness of the logistics sector in the Euroregion, developing both the sector itself and the industrial sectors where logistics is a key factor in competitiveness, both in supply chains and in the export of their products.
- ACTIVITY 3 – Technological and Non-Technological Innovation in Industrial and Logistical Sectors
- Given the high and increasing percentage that logistics costs represent in industrial companies, it is necessary to support the introduction of technology that enables cost reduction as well as improvements in competitive factors such as reducing environmental impact or improving delivery times.
- ACTIVITY 4 – Joint Structures for Logistical Collaboration
- Promoting enhanced collaboration in the logistics area in order to plan and develop joint programmes and actions among different levels of the logistics function, improving the positioning and performance of the Galiza-North Portugal Euroregion as a significant point on global logistics maps.
Find out more at cologistics-project
Project Title: POCI-04-2655-FC-000013 - Porto de Leixões – Extension of the Breakwater as Part of the New Container Terminal.
Project Type: Port Infrastructure
Project Duration: Project Start: 01/01/2017 / Project End: 31/12/2021
Total Investment Cost: €60,442,913.00
Approved Financing: (Cohesion Fund) €31,143,127.96
Operation Description
The Porto de Leixões Breakwater Extension Operation, within the framework of the new container terminal, involves extending the breakwater by 300 metres, with changes to its slope. It is part of the Global Project related to the construction of a new container terminal at the Port of Leixões. With a depth of -14.8 metres, this extension will accommodate vessels of up to 6,000 TEU (approximately 280 metres in length, 40 metres in beam, and 13.8 metres in draft).
Address the Increasing Size of Container Ships: Accommodate larger container vessels at the Port of Leixões, thus promoting the growth of commercial traffic at the port and enhancing the competitiveness of the import/export logistics chains associated with it (particularly in Northern Portugal), which consider Leixões as a key entry and exit point.
Improve Safety Conditions: Provide better safety conditions for the entry, manoeuvring, and mooring of ships.
Reduce Current Congestion: Alleviate the current bottleneck at the Port of Leixões concerning containerised cargo, thus boosting the capture of container traffic.
Enhance Intermodality: Strengthen or create connections to improve Leixões' connectivity with other ports, the port's logistics platform, the Salamanca logistics platform, and other existing platforms in Leixões' hinterland, as well as with industrial parks in Northern and Central Portugal.
Promote Modal Shift: Reduce reliance on road transport (which is more costly and has a greater negative environmental and accident impact compared to maritime transport), particularly when traffic is diverted to other ports capable of handling larger vessels.
Expand into New Markets: Leverage synergies with the port's logistics platform and other agreements with logistics platforms and industrial parks to enter new markets.
Operation Designation: POCI-01-0247-FEDER-039890 - Porto de Leixões – GIIP: Intelligent Port Infrastructure Management
Beneficiary Entities:
3MAPS – Systems Management, Ltd.
APDL – Administration of the Ports of Douro, Leixões, and Viana do Castelo, S.A.
University of Minho
LNEC – National Laboratory for Civil Engineering
Project Type: Collaborative R&D ActivitiesExecution Period:
Project Start Date: 01/06/2020
Project End Date: 01/06/2023
Total Investment Cost: €785,429.02Approved Funding: €545,761.21
Operation DescriptionThe pilot area defined for the GIIP (Intelligent Port Infrastructure Management) solution includes the structures of the quays at Docks No. 2 and No. 4 North of the Porto de Leixões.
The development of the GIIP solution will involve three conceptual levels:
Level 1: Development of models for predicting the degradation of port assets.
Level 2: Development of a tool for defining intervention scenarios for each asset, taking into account the types of intervention required, cost/benefit relationships, and environmental aspects.
Level 3: Development of a modular platform that enables the prioritization of intervention needs in an integrated and optimized manner.
The creation of an intelligent port infrastructure management system involves the development of a solution based on a modular platform to support decision-making regarding the integrated management of port assets. This system will rely on advanced models/algorithms for analyzing and predicting structural and functional degradation of assets, while considering technical, economic, and environmental criteria.
Operation Designation: BugWright2 - Autonomous Robotic Inspection and Maintenance on Ship Hulls and Storage Tanks
Beneficiary Entity:
STAR BULK SHIPMANAGEMENT CO. (CYPRUS) LTD (Chipre)Project Number: Grant Agreement No. 871260
Execution Period: Project Start: 01/01/2020 / Project End: 31/03/2024
Total Investment Cost: €9,952,745.63
Approved Funding: €8,999,807.50
Description of the Operation
The BugWright2 project aims to develop a hull inspection system for ships based on unmanned vehicles. Specifically, inspections will be carried out by vehicles that move along the hull, supplemented by observations made by other types of vehicles. The process will be non-intrusive and aims to maintain a simplified logistics.
Perform Cleaning and Inspection: Carry out cleaning and inspection of ship hulls while cargo is being loaded or unloaded.
Robotic Teams: Robotic teams will inspect and/or clean the hull.
Structural Integrity: Verify the structural integrity of the ship with minimal downtime.
Fuel Efficiency: Cleaner ship hulls result in a 5% to 10% reduction (up to 30% in extreme cases) in fuel consumption, which has a significant impact on transport competitiveness and the environment.
Adaptability: Although the technology is aimed at ships, the BugWright2 technology can be easily adapted to other metal-structured installations, particularly storage tanks, which is our secondary application area.
Site: www.bugwright2.eu
Co-Funded Investments
During the programming period 2007-2013, the Port Authority of the Port of Leixões, through the project "Integration of the Port of Leixões into the Motorways of the Sea" (1st and 2nd phases), aimed to prepare the Port of Leixões to meet the superior quality requirements demanded within the scope of Short Sea Shipping services, the Motorways of the Sea, and the ports included in the Core Network of the Trans-European Transport Network (TEN-T), of which the Port of Leixões is a part. These requirements are presented at various levels:
Port Performance
Value-Added Services
Maritime and Land Access
Dedicated Terminal Facilities
Information Systems
Process Efficiency
Supply Chain SecurityThe first phase of the Integration of the Port of Leixões into the Motorways of the Sea, with a total investment value of €15.6 million, an eligible investment value of €7.6 million, and a community co-financing from the POVT of €4.7 million, has already been completed and included the following interventions:
Road Accessibility to Pole 1 of the Leixões Logistics Platform
Expansion of approximately 5 hectares of the Leixões Port Multi-Use Terminal's Yard
Investments in the Security (Availability) of Information Systems and Development of Interfaces for the Internal Portal with Business Support Applications
Investment in the Design, Planning, and Implementation of the Ship Process Quality Management System, which led to its Certification
Investments in Maritime and Port Security
Access to Pole 1 of the Logistics Platform / Multi-Use Terminal Yard
The second phase of the Integration of the Port of Leixões into the Motorways of the Sea, with a total investment value of 20 million euros, an eligible investment value of 16.1 million euros, and an approved EU contribution from the POVT of 8.6 million euros, is underway and includes the following interventions:
Road Accessibility to Pole 2 of the Logistics Platform at Leixões
Equipment to improve the operational and safety conditions of the port, addressing the increase in ship sizes calling at Leixões. This includes two new tugboats (Nereus and Achilles) with a pulling capacity of 60 tons, a pilot boat, new navigation aid systems, and new fenders.
Investments in increasing port security from a "security" perspective, through investments in Access Control and Video Surveillance.
Development of the Integration of the PIPE (JUP2), the Service Centre, and the Geographic Information System (GIS).
New Servers and Storage Systems.
Access to Pole 2 of the Logistics Platform / New Tugboats
The new Cruise Terminal at the South Mole of the Port of Leixões represents a fundamental investment for creating the conditions necessary for the development of Cruise Tourism in the North of Portugal.
Cruise Tourism is the fastest-growing subsector of tourism worldwide, enabling the promotion of the unique tourism potential of the North of Portugal and enhancing the integration of the Port of Leixões into the urban environment.
This investment is crucial for attracting a significant portion of the new, larger cruise ships that previously could not dock at Leixões. Now, these ships will find at the Port of Leixões excellent facilities and good safety conditions.
The new terminal includes a new quay for cruise ships up to 300 meters in length (already completed), a passenger terminal, a marina with 170 berths, a quay dedicated to river-sea navigation, and the Centre for Marine Science and Technology at the University of Porto.
This investment, with an Eligible Investment Value of €49.7 million and a Community Contribution from ON2 (Operational Programme of the North Region) of €25.5 million, is being developed through the following two main works:
The Maritime Works, completed in March 2011, which include the quay front, the turning and maneuvering basin, the terrapleno for the building, the marina (floating pontoons), and the re-profiling of the inner slope of the south pier;The Terminal Building, a project of high architectural value and innovative multifunctionality, which, in addition to the Passenger Terminal, will also house the Centre for Marine Science and Technology of the University of Porto, as part of the creation of the Marine Science and Technology Park, is currently underway.
The creation of the Marine Science and Technology Park within the Porto de Leixões facilities stems from the Cooperation Agreement established on February 19, 2009, between APDL, the Municipality of Matosinhos, and the University of Porto.
The Research & Development component will be developed by the University of Porto in the Building of the New Cruise Terminal at Porto de Leixões, as outlined in the following scheme. The -1 level (basement) includes a biotarium (marine organisms breeding facility), while the 2nd floor houses research laboratories and researchers' offices for scientific production. The 3rd floor accommodates the exhibition area for scientific dissemination.
In addition to the commissioning of the New Cruise Terminal at the South Mole of the Port of Leixões, a crucial investment for developing cruise tourism in the Northern Region of Portugal, it was necessary to prepare the region to better accommodate cruise ship tourists and promote the unique tourist potential of the Northern Region of Portugal to cruise tourist source markets and cruise lines.This investment is particularly significant for enhancing the cruise tourism business and maximizing its positive indirect impacts on the regional economy. The value chain of this market segment is complex, involving a diverse range of entities that must be organized and integrated effectively.
The main actions carried out under the project "Promotion and Capacity Building of the Northern Region for Cruise Tourism," with an eligible investment value of nearly €100,000 and a community co-financing rate from ON2 (Operational Programme of the Northern Region) of 70%, were as follows:
Organization of the conference "The New Cruise Terminal – What Perspectives for Tourism," aimed at raising awareness among different stakeholders about the specifics of Cruise Tourism and the Critical Success Factors in Tourism Offer and Service Organization of the involved parties;
Identification, preparation, and presentation of programs for Cruise Tourists, with various business actors (including Fam Trip with Shore Excursion Manager) and in a Promotional Brochure, outlined in different itineraries and respective durations, designed to include a broad range of marketable excursion options during a Cruise Ship's call, organized into Product/Tour Sheets.
The port of Leixões invested in organizing an International Conference divided into four seminars under the theme "Port of Leixões and the Global Market – 4 Events – 4 Markets – 1 Logistics Solution," aiming to provide a specific target audience with a forum for discussion and networking with relevant partners from economically dynamic markets.
The selected target markets were the Maghreb, the Community of Portuguese-Speaking African Countries (PALOP), the Baltic region, and Brazil. Each seminar, dedicated to one of these markets, sought the presence of key partners in the port and maritime transport sectors as well as in the business world, with the goal of enhancing commercial relations between Northern Portugal and these regions.
The extensive participation, with the presence of entrepreneurs from the target markets and a significant number of Portuguese businesspeople, facilitated the exchange of information, know-how, and business opportunities among participants. This contributed to market growth, the launch of new lines, and the introduction and promotion of more attractive logistics solutions for companies in the target markets.
The seminars held (for the Maghreb, PALOP countries, and Baltic countries) were prepared with the involvement of the Leixões Port Community, including concessionaires TCL – Terminal de Contentores de Leixões, S.A. and TCGL – Terminal de Carga Geral e de Granéis de Leixões, S.A. They had a positive impact, leading to increased Portuguese exports through the port of Leixões to these markets, as well as the intensification of existing cooperation initiatives and the exchange of experiences, particularly with the PALOP countries.
The seminars held during the eligibility period of the project "The Port of Leixões and the Global Market," with an Eligible Investment Value of approximately €78,000 and a Community Contribution Rate of 70% from ON2 (Operational Programme of the North Region), were as follows:Seminar oriented towards the PALOP Economic Community, held on June 17 and 18, 2010;
Seminar related to the Baltic: Opportunities and Challenges of a Dynamic Market, held on February 21 and 22, 2013.
In response to community policies regarding the security of the maritime supply chain from supplier to consumer, notably COM (2003) 229 final of 02/05/2003, which relates to enhancing the security of ships and port facilities, it has become urgent and critical to improve the security conditions at the Port of Leixões.
This investment project applied for funding under the POAT - Operational Programme for Accessibility and Transport aims to:
Contribute to the improvement of navigation safety conditions.
Safeguard human life at sea.
Manage potential fires on ships, in port areas, and in buildings, including aspects related to information systems and telecommunications at Leixões.
Manage potential oil spills.
Enhance the safety conditions for ship manoeuvring.
Improve the safety conditions for passenger ships calling at Leixões.
Contribute to the improvement of safety conditions in port areas by preventing accidents caused by excessive speed within port spaces or by inadequate energy and lighting management.
Enhance communication and alarm conditions in risk or accident situations.
The investment, totaling approximately €2 million with a 51% community co-financing rate, consists of several components, including:
1 - Maritime Safety
Navigation Aids: Systems equipped with lights and located onshore, following the standards set by the International Association of Marine Aids to Navigation (IALA). This includes beacons for the North and South Mole of the Port of Leixões, light signals at Castelo do Queijo to identify the approach to the port, and a Racon near the Breakwater Beacon, which provides a radio signal useful in foggy conditions, among others.AIS Equipment: Acquisition of Automatic Identification System (AIS) equipment, which transmits and receives maritime safety information via radio, allowing each ship to quickly and accurately receive information about all other ships equipped with AIS.
DSC Receiver: Digital Selective Calling (DSC) receiver, which operates on a channel dedicated to distress, urgency, safety communications, and selective calling.
Digital RDIS PPCA (telephone exchange): This system uses SMS (text messages) to call crew members and piloting technical staff, with confirmation of receipt.
Fenders: Acquisition of fenders for improved ship protection during docking.
2 - Port Security
Fire Fighting Equipment for Port Area: Installation and upgrade of fire fighting equipment specific to the port area.Building Fire Protection: Measures to protect buildings against fires.
Speed Control System: Radar-based speed control system to manage vehicle speeds within the port.
Electrical Networks and Lighting: Improvement and maintenance of electrical networks and lighting systems to enhance port safety.
APDL aims to establish the image of the Port of Leixões as not only competitive and cost-effective but also safe and environmentally friendly.
Currently, in addition to the environmental impact studies associated with port planning and new infrastructure investments, as well as ongoing investments in safety to minimize accident risks, measures are being adopted to:
Analyze Dredged Material: Partially utilized in the artificial nourishment of beaches.
Restrict Air Pollution: Addressing dust and noise pollution.
Optimize Waste Management: Improving waste management practices.
Create Quality Areas: Enhancing environmental quality in specific areas.
This investment, totaling approximately €1.6 million, is being co-financed by the POAT (Operational Program for Accessibility and Transport) with a 35% co-financing rate. It primarily aims to:
Implement an Environmental Quality Monitoring System: For the Port of Leixões.
Monitor Dredged Material: In accordance with the guidelines of the Joint Dispatch of the Ministries of Environment and Natural Resources and of the Sea (April 4, 1995) and Dispatch No. 7 from the Secretary of State for Maritime and Port Administration (October 11, 2001).
Monitor Air Quality: In the most sensitive areas of the Port of Leixões, including the Scrap Wharf and Docks 2 and 4 North, where cereals, derivatives, and stones are handled.
Monitor Noise: Across the entire surrounding area of the Port of Leixões.
Adopt Mitigation Measures: To reduce the environmental impacts of port activities.
Improve Solid Waste Management: At the Port of Leixões.
Promote Higher Quality Environmental Areas: Enhancing areas with better environmental quality.
In the current context of increasing concentration in transportation activities, characterized by high levels of speed, reliability, and cost-efficiency, it is crucial to ensure the repositioning of the Port of Leixões within the new competitive environment, even from a security perspective.
Maritime and port security conditions are highly relevant in the current port operations, not only for environmental performance reasons but also for the security of transportation and the integrity of goods. This factor has become increasingly important in light of recent terrorist attacks. Good security conditions are essential for market access and integration into transportation chains, thus becoming a key factor for future competitiveness.
In this application, we include investment components developed by APDL that are more closely related to the "security" aspect. Although the two aspects of security ("safety" and "security") often interrelate and are both present in a given investment intervention.
Coordination and Security Center and Its Internal Instrumentation EquipmentThis investment in creating a Coordination and Security Center at the Port of Leixões, with a total expected value slightly over one million euros, aims to enhance both maritime and port security conditions from both "security" and "safety" perspectives. It will significantly improve the quality of operational management and overall port operations at Leixões.
This Coordination and Security Center will be located within the existing facilities of the DOPS – Port Operations and Security Directorate. It is designed to specialize in the spatial organization of various maritime and port security functions, with the following three interconnected areas of intervention that can transform into an interactive "open space" during crisis resolutions:
The Security Control Room, where the following will take place:
Management of CCTV Displays: Overseeing the video hall for real-time monitoring.
Image Processing for Assisted Incident Detection: Monitoring and analyzing footage from cameras distributed throughout the port.
Alarm Display and Processing: Handling alarms within the Geographic Information System.
Review of Global Security Plan Procedures: Updating procedures in line with the International Ship and Port Facility Security Code (ISPS Code).CCN – Ship Coordination Center, where the following will be developed:
Planning and Monitoring of All Ship-Related Processes: Using a video hall to display images of:
Operations: Monitoring ship arrivals and departures, mooring and unmooring operations, diving activities, etc.
Graphical Representation: Displaying a graphical map of the Port of Leixões with operational planning.
Commercial Port Management System Screens: Displaying screens from the Port Commercial Management System, which supports and integrates all information flows generated by port operations.
Resolution of Operational Issues: Addressing and resolving any operational disruptions.CAP – Port Activity Control, where the following will be developed:
Planning and Monitoring of All Cargo-Related Processes: Utilizing a video hall to display images for:
Cargo Operations: Monitoring the entry and exit of cargo from the port, as well as loading and unloading operations from ships, storage, etc.
Commercial Port Management System Screens: Displaying screens from the Port Commercial Management System, which supports and integrates all information flows generated by port operations.
Cargo Movement Control: Managing the movement of goods through the Service Desk.Resolution of Operational Issues: Addressing and resolving any operational disruptions.
Geographic Information System
The primary objectives of this system are:
Optimize Space Usage: Manage the geographic area of the Porto de Leixões to maximize space utilization and minimize risks and consequences of any incidents or accidents within the port area. This includes:
Infrastructure Location: Managing the location of port infrastructures.
Cargo Storage: Overseeing the storage of goods, particularly hazardous materials.
Evacuation Plans: Developing and managing evacuation plans.
Manage Physical and IT Infrastructure: Oversee the physical and infrastructure components of IT systems, including:Cable Layouts: Managing the physical layout of cabling (data, voice, electricity, etc.).
Sanitation and Electrical Systems: Managing sanitation and electrical systems.
Equipment Implementation: Oversee the deployment of equipment, including safety equipment such as fire extinguishers.Integrate Security and Environmental Plans: Ensure integration of security and environmental plans into the system.
This system will be composed of graphical layers of the Porto de Leixões, organized thematically into layers (e.g., location of fire extinguishers, buildings, storage areas, electrical network, fiber optic network, etc.) and by type. It includes:
Software Integration: Software connected to Oracle.
Automatically Updatable Data Sheets: Characterization sheets that are automatically updated.
Data Inquiry Functions: Functions for querying data within the system.
Improvement of External Security InstrumentationTo enhance port security conditions, APDL is undertaking the following investment components:
Expansion of the Closed-Circuit Television System
With an expected value of €300,000, this project aims to equip the Porto de Leixões with additional cameras, providing continuous filming of activities within the port and its surroundings. The objective is to extend this circuit to the South Mole, the area near Silopor, the Passenger Terminal, and the fuel supply station.Access Control for Light Vehicles
Estimated at €225,000, this system encompasses the entire management of card issuance and the registration and integration of data related to the entry and exit of individuals and vehicles from the Porto de Leixões.Parking Control System for APDL
With a value of approximately €40,000, this system manages access cards for the parking lot and records and integrates data on vehicle entries and exits.Facilities for SEF - Foreigners and Borders Service and Passenger Control Posts
With a total expected value of around €582,000, these facilities will enhance compliance with community requirements, particularly in relation to the International Ship and Port Facility Security Code (ISPS Code). Located in part of Warehouse 1, near the Passenger Terminal at Porto de Leixões, these facilities will require the relocation of Transformation Post No. 18 and will be equipped with baggage inspection equipment, metal detectors, and intrusion detection systems.Port Activity Monitoring and Helpdesk System
This area of focus is particularly important from both "safety" and "security" perspectives, as well as from an operational viewpoint.
Key components include:
Operational Process Control: This involves automating certain tasks and generating automatic alerts for other services/workstations (both internal to APDL and external, involving various public and private entities interacting at the Port of Leixões). It also includes redesigning operational processes and their emergency alerts.
Monitoring of CAP Activity (Port Activity Control Service): This will allow for measuring response times for performing different tasks, especially those that are most critical, in managing information related to ships and cargoes passing through Leixões, with a particular focus on hazardous goods.
Business Helpdesk System: Aims to provide online information on procedures to follow during various operational phases of the business and in resolving various potential situations.
This investment, totaling approximately 3 million euros, is expected to be co-financed by the POAT - Operational Program for Accessibility and Transport, with an estimated co-financing rate of 51%, and its main objectives are as follows:
Ensure the Protection of the Supply Chain for Goods passing through Leixões (Supply Chain Security);
Provide Security for Ships, Cargo, and People in Port Areas;
Ensure Special Security Treatment for Dangerous Goods and High-Value Cargo;
Obtain Reliable and Timely Knowledge of Declared Goods and Their Location Along the Supply Chain;
Encourage "Security" Certification for Transport Chain Agents (Logistics Operators) similar to what Authorized Economic Operators obtain for Customs Clearance, through integration with the New Computerized Transit System (NSTI), and similar to the Container Security Initiative (CSI) being developed;
Reduce Ship and Cargo Processing Times and Dwell Time in Port;
Improve Communication and Alarm Conditions in Risk or Accident Situations.
With an estimated total cost exceeding 17 million euros, this investment project was submitted to the POAT – Operational Program for Accessibility and Transport, with a co-funding rate of 45%, and includes the following main actions:the construction of the VILPL – Internal Connection Road to the Port of Leixões, which links the Port of Leixões to the VRI – Regional Interior Road, providing a strategic alternative road access to the main North-South connection road, IP1, and the main road to the interior of the country, IP4. This will segregate port traffic from local traffic, improve traffic flow around the Port of Leixões, increase operational safety, and optimize the integration and interaction of port activities with the surrounding urban area;
the creation of a Single Gateway, which will serve as the single access control point for heavy vehicles and their cargo entering the Port of Leixões. It will ensure automatic control of entries and exits, supported by information systems that guarantee the issuance of legal documents and the integration of information with the business management application system GCP – Port Commercial Management. A cargo control area equipped with a container scanner will be established.
the creation of a waiting area for trucks, with a capacity for about 50 vehicles, aimed at ensuring operational entry into the Port of Leixões even under adverse, temporary, or extraordinary conditions.
In terms of objectives, the construction of the VILPL will allow:
Minimizing conflicts between port and urban traffic through segregation and specialization;
Ensuring that the anticipated traffic growth on IC1/N107 does not become a medium-term blockage factor for access to the Port of Leixões;
Creating a strategic alternative road access to the main North-South connection road, Principal Route 1 (IP1), and the main road to the interior of the country, Principal Route 4 (IP4);
Creating an alternative road access to the Freixo Bridge for traffic originating from and destined for the Port of Leixões, traveling via the IP4, due to the creation of the Regional Interior Road (VRI), which is under concession for construction and operation under the SCUT regime, particularly interesting as there are no tolls applied in the Greater Porto area;
Reducing truck immobilization times at the gates of the Port of Leixões by increasing operational efficiency through the concentration of heavy port traffic at a single gate, which will be equipped with new technologies for reading and integrating data typically collected at the entry/exit of the Port of Leixões;
Increasing the average traffic speed in the vicinity of the Port of Leixões, not only for port traffic but also for IC1 users, a highly congested road with a current daily throughput of over 80,000 vehicles;
Reducing transport times for goods passing through Leixões by improving road access to the Port of Leixões;
Enabling the creation of an exclusive access road from the Port of Leixões to the multimodal and logistics platform to be developed in Freixieiro, interconnected with areas dedicated to multimodal transport;
Contributing to the quality of life in the urban areas surrounding the Port of Leixões;
Improving the function of the Port of Leixões as a major interface in the transport chain of Northern Portugal.The construction of the VILPL - Via Interior de Ligação do Porto de Leixões, costing just over 16 million euros, was completed in February 2004. This road serves as an exclusive access route from the Port of Leixões to the VRI - Via Regional Interior, and consists of two sections totaling about 3.1 km in length. The first section, which serves internal port traffic, begins under the IC1 viaduct and ends at the port gate area, covering 779.25 meters (the gate has five exit lanes and six entry lanes). The second section starts at the future gate, at the end of the previous section, and ends after passing under the Póvoa Line, just before the junction with the VRI, extending 2329.26 meters.
The Single Gate Project for the Port of Leixões was awarded in November 2003 and contracted in March 2004. Currently, Phase I of the project is being developed, corresponding to the preliminary study in which the design and specification of the functional model will be prepared and the necessary requirements for the system's operation will be defined. With the approval of Phase I, Phase II for the Acquisition of Specialist Systems will begin. In Phase III - Project Execution, software development and the preparation of execution projects and specifications for the infrastructure implementation will take place. The project includes a Phase IV for Technical Assistance for the execution of the infrastructure and system implementation.
Cooporation Projects
CTUR – Cruise Traffic and Urban Regeneration of City Port Heritage as a key for the Sustainable Economic, Social and Urban Development
The CTUR project, to be developed with the support of the URBACT II Programme, European Programme for Urban Sustainable Development, aims to improve the integration of urban-port border areas through the development of cruise tourism. It emerged as a follow-up to the SUDEST project network - Sustainable Development of Sea Town.
The CTUR project consortium is composed of the Municipality of Naples (Italy) - project leader - and the following partners:
APDL – Port Authority of Douro and Leixões (Portugal),
Municipality of Matosinhos (Portugal),
Municipality of Alicante (Spain),
Municipality of Dublin (Ireland),
Municipality of Helsinki (Finland),
Municipality of Rhodes (Greece),
Municipality of Rostock (Germany),
Municipality of Trieste (Italy),
Municipality of Varna (Bulgaria),
Generalitat Valenciana (Spain),
Port Authority of Naples (Italy).
The total investment amounts to €669,553.66, with a co-funding rate of 76%. APDL's net investment in the project is €13,000, with associated community funds amounting to €52,000.
The project, which started in November 2008, will extend until May 2011.
Locally, APDL and the Municipality of Matosinhos, who share a common vision for regional development, will promote the creation of a working group according to the guidelines of the URBACT II Program. This group aims to identify solutions that enhance the attractiveness of the urban-port border areas for cruise passengers. They will leverage existing tourist attractions and the synergies created by APDL's significant investment in the New Cruise Terminal at the South Breakwater of the Port of Leixões. This new terminal includes a new quay for ships up to 300 meters long, a marina with 170 berths, and a Passenger Station with turnaround capabilities.
GASD – Green Atlantic for Sustainable Development
The GASD project is characterized as a process of integrating and developing skills and methods aimed at creating a European platform of experts and action in the field of maritime and environmental security. The project will build on existing work in this domain, promoting recommendations for long-term operational solutions aligned with the common policies of the Atlantic Area – Europe.
For the first time in the context of inter-regional cooperation, the project will provide a concrete, integrated, and operational vision of sustainable economic development, based on an innovative approach to maritime security and applied to the collective maritime activities of the partner regions. This vision will be translated into practical demonstration actions, where integrated European policies and regulations on maritime security, technical, scientific, and technological innovation, and economic development can be constructed.
From this perspective, the project will allow for the joint exposure of Atlantic Area maritime regions to the risks of maritime routes, as well as to those with strong experience in the prevention, management, and cleanup of ecological and maritime disasters. On the other hand, it will connect regions whose resources depend on fishing and tourism, and those for which the concept of sustainable economic development is crucial: protecting resources and anticipating the future.
The project will leverage the experience developed in the partner regions, both private and public, mobilizing the competencies of each region and focusing on industrial and scientific solutions with significant added value. In this way, a multidisciplinary cluster will be created that will enhance the attractiveness of Atlantic Area regions, with the potential to become the leading cluster in knowledge and competitiveness in maritime and environmental security – the "Maritime and Environmental Excellence Cluster."
With this new approach to maritime and environmental security, the GASD project aims to address two types of challenges faced by the involved maritime regions:
A Proactive Approach to Environmental Protection: This includes stringent regulation by the entities involved in economic and maritime development, with a focus on safeguarding the specific resources related to fishing and tourism in these regions.
A Diverse Economic and Regional Development Plan: This plan will respect the environment while promoting activities that provide added value in science and technology, industrial applications, training, etc.
The method to be used will aim to capitalize on the experiences of the maritime regions of the Atlantic Area in managing maritime accidents and port operations. It will also focus international attention on public-regional and private partnerships in the two areas: R&D and Training.
The GASD project involves 14 partners from five Atlantic Area Member States:
França: Brest Technopolis Iroise Western Atlantic and Nantes Metropolis, ARESE FRANCE;
Espanha: Região das Canárias; Região da Galiza – CETMAR, Gijón – Região das Astúrias;
Portugal: CCDRN (Região Norte), Autoridade Portuária de Leixões - APDL;
Grã-Bretanha: Região do Sudoeste de Inglaterra, através da University of Plymouth;
Irlanda: Autoridade Regional do Sudoeste (National Maritime College, The Marine Resources e Coastal Research Centers da Irlanda) e Autoridade Regional do Oeste da Irlanda;
Redes europeias: Europe+/EBN França – Brest
This cooperation project was approved for European Union co-funding under the INTERREG III B Atlantic Area Programme, with a total estimated cost of €2,010,000. APDL will contribute €120,000, benefiting from a 55% co-funding rate.
MARINE – Maritime Incident Research and Innovation Network
The MARINE project aims to establish a Research and Innovation Network for Maritime Accidents in the Atlantic Area, focusing on fostering the creation, transfer of knowledge, and technologies in this field.
The MARINE project consortium is composed of the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Porto, which is the project coordinator, and the following partners:
APDL – Administração dos Portos do Douro e Leixões, S.A
Instituto de Estúdios Marítimos - Corunha, Espanha
Fundácion Universidade da Coruña .- Espanha
Ecole Nationale Superieure d' Ingénieurs – França
Brest Pilotage – França
University of Limerick – Irlanda
The activities of the MARINE project network will focus on studying the capacities and competencies needed to address a maritime accident in its various phases:
Identify – Identify potential sources of accidents and characterize marine ecosystems.
Prevent and Protect – Mitigate potential sources of accidents; observe and monitor the maritime space.
Prepare – Allocate and make available the necessary resources to address any occurrence.
Recover – Mitigate the consequences of the accident, using the pre-accident characterization as a reference.
In each of these phases, it is necessary to decide what actions to take (Action Plan, data/information to be collected) and how to execute them (technologies and systems to be used). The main goal of the MARINE network is to foster cooperation among various organizations capable of promoting the creation and transfer of knowledge and technologies to address these issues.
The MARINE project consortium believes that the network being established could soon become an international reference in the field of maritime accidents.
The strategic objectives of the MARINE network are as follows:
Develop a model of organizational excellence in network. This aims to leverage information technologies to coordinate activities among its members and with associated networks and partners. This model will contribute to the adoption and internalization of new technologies within companies, accelerate access to shared costs for techniques and technologies developed within the network, and guide its scientific and technological development.
Enhance the development and creation of competitive economic activities. These will focus on the development of goods, products, services, projects, and expertise in emerging systems and services in two application domains related to coastal cities, oceans, and the marine economy: defense and security, and oceanography and monitoring.
Lead the development of new technologies, techniques, products, and services with high added value, targeted at the previously mentioned application domains.
Identify regional and sectoral strengths and weaknesses and promote solutions for major social, technological, and commercial challenges in the field of maritime accidents.
Contribute to the internationalization of the network and the entities involved, capitalizing on the high international demand in these areas and technologies.
The MARINE network aims to achieve these objectives through the coordination and creation of knowledge and technologies in computational sciences, control engineering, computing, electronics, communications, systems engineering, biology, and biotechnology.
The MARINE network focuses on two application domains of emerging technologies related to coastal cities and oceans: defense and security, and oceanography and monitoring. These application domains offer immense potential for developing systems made possible by these new technologies. The network, created through this project, will significantly contribute to these domains through the technologies developed by various consortium members, the transnational cooperation promoted within the project, and the potential application in the Atlantic Space, which can and should be transformed into value and leadership by the MARINE network.
The MARINE project consortium brings together partners with different competencies and roles (education and research, innovation and technology transfer, and end-users), all of which are crucial for the creation and operation of the network.
An interest group will also be established, composed of other entities interested in these activities but not partners.
The development of the MARINE network in the Atlantic Space will be based on four fundamental questions:
Creation of an Executive Committee composed of representatives from each of the involved countries, which will be responsible for all activities developed by the network. This Executive Committee will manage the entire project, establishing a link between all partners and the project management team.
Establishment of an Interest Group, made up of other entities interested in these application domains, but not part of the network.
Formation of a Monitoring Group, consisting of internationally recognized experts (e.g., Dr. Tiago Pitta e Cunha, Prof. Anthony Healey, etc.) and representatives appointed by other institutions with interest in the application domains (e.g., European Maritime Safety Agency, Conference of Peripheral Maritime Regions, etc.).
Development of pilot projects – "test-beds". The "test-beds" will be limited-duration and scope projects focused on areas relevant to the excellence center’s operations, addressing specific needs of companies in the Atlantic Space. Through the MARINE project, four pilot projects will be promoted in the following areas: technologies for marine ecosystem characterization, technologies for maritime protection and surveillance, technologies for environmental and maritime accident monitoring, and marine bioremediation. These projects aim to demonstrate the potential of specific technologies or applications and serve as a launch and demonstration platform for larger projects, seeking either European or national public funding or private financing.
At the same time, and as one of the objectives of the MARINE network, to promote the participation of different regions in the Atlantic Space in European programs, the MARINE project will seek to establish a technological surveillance system in Brussels. This system will provide privileged information about European Commission programs and decisions, including the 7th Framework Programme for Research and Development, new technologies, and the involved R&D institutions.
This cooperation project, with a total value of €701,000, was approved for community co-funding by the INTERREG III B Atlantic Area Program, with a community co-funding rate of 55%. The estimated contribution for APDL is €53,000.
The "Promotion of Short Sea Shipping in the Atlantic Arc" Project, which has now been completed, was a study aimed at defining strategic actions to promote short sea shipping as a key element for improving the economic, social, and environmental aspects of the Atlantic Axis. The project proposed designing solutions to encourage short sea shipping between regions in the Atlantic Space by creating new shipping routes and enhancing existing ones. This cooperation project, co-financed under the INTERREG III B – Atlantic Area Community Initiative, involved, in addition to the Port of Leixões, entities from Spain, France, and England:
- Department of Transport and Public Works of the Basque Government
- Port Authority of Bilbao
- Port Authority of Pasajes
- Basque Economic and Social Council
- Regional Council of Aquitaine
- Regional Council of Poitou-Charentes
- Port Authority of Vigo
- Port Authority of Gijón
- Gloucestershire County Council
The main objectives of the project were:Promote the access of Atlantic regions to the European market and thus develop economic and social cohesion;
Foster consistent economic growth by avoiding road congestion through an effective and less polluting transport alternative;
Identify the freight flows that can be more easily shifted to maritime transport;
Propose potential Short Sea Shipping (SSS) routes, or maritime highways, capable of meeting market demands:
- Identifying the main shippers to whom the promotion of Short Sea Shipping (SSS) should be targeted;
- Providing concrete market figures to shipowners and line operators.
Propose the creation of a group of partners (likely online) that includes all stakeholders in the Short Sea Shipping network, aiming to improve aspects that hinder the development of this type of transport;
Inform the environmental departments of shipping companies and transport firms about the environmental certifications they can obtain or maintain by using a less polluting mode of transport.
Indeed, the Study, conducted by a team of consultants with the support of the project partners, helped to validate the potential for the development of Short Sea Shipping at the Port of Leixões.
It is important to note that this Study was developed based on certain assumptions, of which we highlight the following:
physical parameters of the partner ports - minimum draft of 8 meters, 250 meters of quay, 5 hectares of land, and quick access to the trans-European transport network;
routes only between two ports (with origin at one of the partner ports) located in different countries with a distance of more than 450 nautical miles;
a minimum of two weekly calls;
a minimum of 490,000 tons/year.
Thus, 10 routes were identified as viable for Short Sea Shipping, supported by the transfer of goods exclusively transported by road to the maritime mode. Of the 10 recommended routes, the Port of Leixões is present in two of them, as can be seen in the attached Executive Summary:
Leixões – Roterdão
Leixões – Amberes/Antuérpia
Bilbao – Zeebrugge
Pasages - Amberes/Antuérpia
Gijón - Amberes/Antuérpia
Vigo - Amberes/Antuérpia
La Rochelle – Bristol
La Rochelle – Southampton
Bordeaux – Bristol
Bayonne - Southampton
These two projects, ATMOS (Atlantic Arc Motorway of the Sea) and PLACA 4S (Promotion of Short Sea Shipping Lines in the Atlantic Area – Short Sea Shipping Sustainable), are part of the studies and networks of institutional and private partners promoted under the TMCD and Motorways of the Sea initiatives and are co-financed by the INTERREG IIIB Programme.
The objective of these projects is to "set up" new short sea shipping (SSS) routes, with the proposed studies focusing on both the supply perspective (shipowners/maritime transport operators) and the demand perspective (shippers), considering public institutions as catalysts of the system, intermediaries, and providers of infrastructure and regulatory processes. The aim is also to develop an infrastructure for tracking goods.
The two projects will be developed together, as they are similar, although they focus on different geographical areas: ATMOS in the Atlantic Arc and PLACA in the Southwestern European (Mediterranean) region.
The work packages (WP), that is, the tasks to be developed within the projects, are as follows:
Project Management (work meetings, work cluster, and evaluation);
Inventory of Logistics Infrastructure, to be completed by the end of the third quarter of 2005;
Inventory of Studies developed within the Atlantic Arc and the Southwest Europe, to be completed by the end of 2005;
Design of SSS (Short Sea Shipping) and MOS (Motorways of the Sea) Routes in the Atlantic Arc and Southwest Europe, to be completed by the end of the second quarter of 2006;
Application of Technological Solutions, to occur between the first and third quarters of 2006;
Pilot Project: Business Plan Design, to be carried out throughout 2006;
Project Promotion and Dissemination, to occur up to six months after project completion, i.e., by the end of the second quarter of 2007.
The total projected investments for the ATMOS and PLACA projects are respectively €1,808,493.65 and €1,614,376.46.
The estimated investment for the Port of Leixões in the ATMOS and PLACA projects is respectively €217,991.59, with a co-funding rate of 57.87%, and €186,987.72, with a co-funding rate of 75%.
The main and associated partners for each of the two projects are as follows:
Project ATMOS
Main Partners
- Ente Público Puertos de Galicia (Spain) – Project Leader
- Autoridad Portuaria de Gijón (Spain)
- Autoridad Portuaria de la Bahía de Algeciras (Spain)
- APDL – Administração dos Portos do Douro e Leixões, S.A. (Portugal)
- APS – Administração do Porto de Sines, S.A. (Portugal)
- Chambre de Commerce et d'Industrie de la Rochelle (France)
- Port of Cork Co. (Ireland)
Associated Partners
- Naviera Alvargonzalez (Spain)
- Associated British Ports (United Kingdom)
- Empresa Pública Puertos de Andalucía (Spain)
- Euro Ferries Limited (Ireland)
- Port of Waterford (Ireland)
- Port Autonome de Bordeaux (France)
- Portel Servicios Telemáticos (Spain)
Project PLACA
Main Partners
- Autoridad Portuaria de Gijón (Espanha) - Líder do projeto
- Ente Público Puertos de Galicia (Espanha)
- Empresa Pública Puertos de Andalucía (Espanha)
- APDL – Administração dos Portos do Douro e Leixões, S.A. (Portugal)
- APS – Administração do Porto de Sines, S.A. (Portugal)
- Autoridad Portuaria de Tarragona (Espanha)
- Chambre de Commerce et d'Industrie de la Rochelle (França)
Associated Partners
- Naviera Alvargonzalez (Espanha)
- Autoridad Portuaria de la Bahía de Algeciras (Espanha)
- Port Autonome de Bordeaux (França)
- Port of Waterford (Irlanda)
- Mediterranean Ports Community, A.E.I.E. (Espanha)
- Port of Cork Co. (Irlanda)
- Portel Servicios Telemáticos (Espanha)
For more information, please visit the projects' website:
APDL is involved in the Inter-regional Europe of the Sea project, collaborating with CCDRN (Coordination and Development Commission of the Northern Region) in the Thematic Group on Transport, Logistics, and Maritime Safety.
This project, coordinated by CRPM (Conference of Peripheral Maritime Regions of Europe), is set to run until June 2006 and involves a network of regions, cities, and specialized research entities, comprising 43 partners. The goal is to promote the sea as a factor of competitiveness at the European level, organized into five working groups:
Transport, Logistics, and Maritime Safety
Research, Development, and Innovation
Sustainable Development
Economy and EmploymentThe main objectives of the project are
Contribute to the publication of the European Commission's Green Paper on the European Marine;
Contribute to the creation of a database on maritime activity in Europe (analyzing the impact of maritime activities in economic and employment terms, including human and social dimensions);
Based on the exchange of experiences and best practices, identify relevant cooperation themes to prioritize during the 2007/2013 period, with particular emphasis on bilateral maritime cooperation.
Each thematic group is led by an 'expert', with Professor José Manuel Viegas being the lead for the Transport, Logistics, and Maritime Safety Group.
The central theme of the Transport, Logistics, and Maritime Safety Group is to analyze how Peripheral Maritime Regions can promote maritime transport, identify market segments (products and geographic relations) where it is easier to transfer cargo from road transport to short sea shipping, and analyze the respective logistical needs. Another theme to be addressed within the working group is safety from the 'safety' perspective.
This investment project, with a total value of 3 million euros, has been approved for community co-funding by the Trans-European Transport Networks (TEN-T) Budget Line, with a community co-funding rate of 50%.
The PIPE Project, an initiative of APP – the Portuguese Ports Association, aims primarily at simplifying and harmonising procedures in all Portuguese ports through the standardisation of information.
The actions to be carried out include:
Assessing the current situation and practices in use at the different ports;
Simplifying, standardising, and harmonising procedures at national ports;
Defining national standards where procedures, required information, and service standards for each entity are explicitly outlined;
Studying solutions for electronic service delivery, taking into account:-
- The official procedures required by national legislation and community directives, identifying existing constraints and proposing an action plan for their evolution;
- The regulations, notices, and other norms issued by public authorities involved in the ports, identifying existing constraints and proposing an action plan for their evolution;
- The requirements for information exchange supporting commercial transactions between and with private entities, as these entities are currently also co-responsible for the volume of paper circulation in national ports.
The main objectives of the project are:
To facilitate the development of intra-community trade and trade between the Community and the rest of the world;
To contribute to mobility by helping to decongest the land corridors with the highest traffic density and reduce the external costs of European transport, by increasing the maritime share of total traffic, mainly through the promotion of short sea shipping;
To improve access and strengthen the economic and social cohesion of the European Community, by fostering the development of intra-community maritime links, especially for the Community's island and peripheral regions;
To integrate traffic into a multimodal transport chain;
To develop the use of non-polluting modes of transport.The initial study was commissioned by APP from PricewaterhouseCoopers.
This investment project, with a total value of 2.5 million euros, under the responsibility of APP – the Portuguese Ports Association, has been approved for community co-funding by the Trans-European Transport Networks (TEN-T) Budget Line, with a community co-funding rate of 50%.
This project, which could serve as a reference for defining the operational model of motorways of the sea not only in Portugal but also in Europe, comprises three main phases:
1st Phase: Deepening the Model of Articulation and Operation of Maritime Motorways in Portugal
The aim of this phase is to further define the model of articulation and operation of maritime motorways in terms of procedural, technological, structural, and organizational aspects. Additionally, it aims to support the European Commission in defining quality criteria associated with maritime motorways and to assess the risks and impacts of integrating the national logistics and transport system into the motorways of the sea.
This phase was initially projected in the application with a value of 500,000 euros. Currently, it is expected to spend 399,000 euros within this phase, with the consultancy services awarded to Fordesi.
2nd Phase: Design and Development of the Info-Structure to Support Maritime Motorways
In this phase, the info-structure to support maritime motorways will be designed and developed, taking into account ongoing developments, particularly those related to satellites – the Galileo program.
The planned investment value for this phase amounts to 1.2 million euros.
3rd Phase: Pilot Actions
In this final phase, with an estimated value of 800,000 euros, the main objective is to define and demonstrate new activities. These activities will involve international partners in establishing new innovative maritime services. These services should promote the articulation of the national maritime-port system with the European maritime motorways.
This phase will involve a set of representative partners from the four maritime motorways to structure the pilot actions. Cooperation protocols will be prepared to structure the pilot actions, with ports from the following zones:
Northern Europe
The pilot actions will focus on the following issues:
Identification of necessary investments,
Establishment of cooperation protocols between ports and strategic partnerships,
Structuring the associated safety and security requirements,
Configuration of promotional and marketing components (coordinated among the ports),
Conducting tests and exercises to ensure protection processes,
Involvement of other partners in the logistics chains,
Integration of information systems,
Collection of metrics (business and services). -
This project was submitted for the URBACT Programme and includes as partners the municipalities, port authorities, and architecture universities of the cities of Naples (which leads the project), Bastia, Livorno, Le Havre, Syracuse, and Porto.
The project aims to exchange experiences and develop studies for integrating port areas into their respective cities.
The representatives from the University of Porto in the project, specifically the team members led by Prof. Rui Braz Afonso from the Centre for Architecture and Urban Studies at the University of Porto, will develop the studies on the Portuguese side and will have the following local interlocutors in the project:
SRU Porto (Urban Renewal Society);
Matosinhos City Council;
APDL (Administration of the Ports of Douro, Leixões, and Viana do Castelo), considering its jurisdiction area, the actions planned in its Strategic Plan, and the previous positive experiences of collaboration between APDL and the University.The financial involvement of APDL will be 12,000 euros, with 6,000 euros in each of the two years of the project's duration.
Consortium Research Projects
MARPORT – Maritime Agitation
The MARPORT project was submitted to the Innovation Agency under the System of Support for Applied Business Research and Development – IDEIA Programme, part of the Operational Programme for the Economy (POE) and the Operational Programme for Science, Technology, and Innovation (POCTI).
The project aims to develop a system targeted at the major national ports, producing forecasts of maritime agitation at port entrances based on more precise models than those typically used by meteorological services for global forecasts. A highly accurate meteorological and maritime agitation forecasting system, based on high-resolution local-scale models, is now an indispensable tool for Port Authorities, with its use increasingly common in the world's largest ports. Incorporating precise forecasts into port management enhances service quality and safety, adding value and mitigating accident risks.
The proposed system will be based on high-resolution local-scale models (the limited area atmospheric model MM5 and the regional maritime agitation model SWAN), with initial and boundary conditions provided respectively by global models (GFS and WAN).
The Project Consortium consists of the Administration of the Ports of Douro and Leixões, S.A., Porto de Sines, S.A., Instituto Superior Técnico, and Puertos del Estado.
The project will be developed in the following phases:
Phase 1 – Establishment of the Calculation and Data Fusion Centre;
Phase 2 – Installation and Validation of the Limited Area Atmospheric Model MM5;
Phase 3 – Installation and Implementation of the WAM Maritime Agitation Model in the North Atlantic;
Phase 4 – Installation and Implementation of the Maritime Agitation Model on the Portuguese Coast;
Phase 5 – Integration and Automation of the Models – System Implementation;
Phase 6 – Data Visualization;
Phase 7 – Testing and Final Reports.
The overall estimated value of the project is around 200 thousand euros, with an average community co-funding rate of 50%. The budget for APDL is approximately 34 thousand euros.
The Centre has the following Mission:"To promote excellence in the Northern Region of Portugal by exploring the opportunities offered by the Ocean. This is achieved through fostering cooperation between the academic system and the business sector, and stimulating the transfer of knowledge in the area of Marine Resources, with a strong involvement of Information and Communication Technologies."
The Main Partners of the Centre are:
ANJE – Expertise in promoting entrepreneurship and strong capabilities in training;
ESB – Strong competencies in biotechnology research;
Microsoft – Expertise in Information and Communication Technologies (ICT);
CIIMAR – Expertise in marine resources;
CMM (Matosinhos City Council) – Representative of regional interests. -
The partners in this completed project were FEUP – Faculty of Engineering at the University of Porto, ISR – Institute of Systems and Robotics, Porto branch, and APDL – Administration of the Ports of Douro and Leixões, S.A.
The objective of the IES project was the design and implementation of a low-cost, easy-to-operate underwater infrastructure inspection system. The system consists of a remotely operated underwater vehicle, an operation console, a positioning system, a vehicle movement system, and a battery of sensors tailored to each type of application. The vehicle carries the appropriate inspection equipment and is tele-operated from the surface via an umbilical cable.
The total investment of 196,990 euros was financed by community funds, with an approximate average co-funding rate of 60%.
The project emerged from the need for various national entities to have an adequate system for underwater inspection tasks.
One such entity is APDL, which, due to the high number and extent of submerged works, needs to inspect them both during construction and for maintenance tasks. Combined with the experience and "know-how" in underwater technology from the FEUP and ISR research team, a consortium was formed to develop the system in question.
Key Innovations of the IES System Compared to Commercially Available ROV (Remotely Operated Vehicle) Solutions:
Onboard Computing and Power Systems: This physical configuration requires very few wires in the umbilical cable, minimizing drag and enhancing performance.
Two Operating Modes: Tele-operation and Tele-programming: The tele-operation mode is common in ROV systems. The tele-programming mode allows the operator to program automated operations such as trajectory following, movement to a specific location, movement mode, etc.
Integrated Navigation: The IES navigation system integrates data from an external acoustic system with data from a set of internal sensors to achieve high positioning accuracy and control performance.
PC-Based Control: Easy to use, COTS (Commercial Off-The-Shelf) technology, with low development and maintenance costs.
Advanced Control Systems.For more information please visit this project's website
The partners in this ongoing project are FEUP – Faculty of Engineering at the University of Porto, ISEP – Superior Institute of Engineering of Porto, VERIMAG – Institute of Computer Science and Applied Mathematics in Grenoble, UBC – University of California Berkeley, and APDL – Administration of the Ports of Douro and Leixões, S.A.
Project Objectives:
The aim of this project is to design and implement an underwater operation and inspection system for various operational environments. This system will build upon the prototype developed under the IES project, which includes a remotely operated underwater vehicle, an operation console, a positioning system, a vehicle movement system, and a set of sensors.The new system will enhance the capabilities demonstrated by the prototype by incorporating a range of new functionalities. The goal is to develop a modular system that can be configured for use in multiple operational scenarios, including port operations, reservoirs, effluent discharge systems, and underwater archaeology applications. The system will integrate various sensors and inspection systems on board the vehicle, as well as a mechanical system for performing underwater intervention tasks. The control of these systems will be managed through interfaces developed within the project. Additionally, the vehicle control system will undergo new developments to meet the requirements of the intended applications.
Innovative Features:
Configurable and Multi-Application System: Designed and developed in Portugal, this system will be adaptable for different underwater inspection and operation tasks based on a remotely operated underwater vehicle.
Open System Approach: The system will be developed with an open architecture to facilitate the integration of new functionalities as they become necessary.
This project is co-financed by POSI (Operational Programme for the Information Society) under the Consortium Research and Development Measure, with a total investment of €364,314 and a co-funding rate of 70%. -
This project resulted from a cooperation agreement between the three Port Authorities (Leixões, Lisbon, and Sines) and aims to develop a common application solution by contracting the necessary services for its development.
This common application solution is intended to serve as a platform linking the Port Administrations with all entities and economic agents operating in their respective ports, as well as addressing internal information processing needs.
The goal is to achieve a historic milestone in the relationship between state mechanisms in ports and different economic agents, featuring innovative characteristics in communication systems within the port sector and recognized compatibility of interests and global benefits:
Pre-arrival Customs Clearance: Facilitates the customs process for goods before their arrival.
Effective Support for Fraud and Tax Evasion Control: Enhances efforts to combat fraud and tax evasion.
Reduction in Contacts: Minimizes the number of interactions between stakeholders.
Lower Investments and Direct Costs: Reduces costs for economic agents and shipping lines.
Standardized Forms and Procedures: Harmonizes and simplifies forms and procedures across the three largest national ports.
Open and Widespread Access to Information: Provides open access to information for all stakeholders, including importers and exporters.
Increased Productivity: Helps partners overcome technological and procedural barriers by providing innovative solutions that enable communication with any of the ports, receive and integrate responses to dispatches, and manage their relationships with clients.The project was based on the following assumptions:
Similar Technological Platforms: The technological platforms for ship, cargo, and commercial management are similar across the three ports.
Common Adaptation Needs: The adaptation needs to meet the SDS project specifications defined by DGAEIC and DGITA are common.
Interest in Common Solutions: Economic agents involved in port activities are interested in common solutions that immediately translate into reduced direct costs and investments, seeking a unified system for communication with Port Authorities and Customs, particularly regarding containerized cargo.
Customs Development Opportunity: The Customs’ willingness to develop the SDS system within five months, in time for the opening of Terminal XXI in Sines, presents an opportunity for a joint solution shared by the three entities (APDL, APL, APS), building on the evolution of existing systems.
Integration Capability: Ensuring that Port Administration systems are capable of functioning as a common platform for receiving and disseminating information with other systems, including Customs, SDS, and other port users.The Common Port Management Platform was technically based on previous experiences:
APDL: Had an existing application (GCP – Port Commercial Management) that supported electronic interaction between the Container Terminal Concessionaire (TCL), the Port Authority, and Customs, particularly for automating container exit authorization.
APL: Had an application for the electronic transmission of navigation agents’ manifests to the Port Authority.SCOPe: Focuses solely on the cargo process integrated into the logistics transport chain, encompassing the analysis of the process including, beyond the Navigation Agent, the following transport chain links: Freight Forwarders and Cargo Shippers/Receivers.
The partners in this ongoing project are FEUP – Faculty of Engineering at the University of Porto, CIIMAR – Interdisciplinary Centre of Marine and Environmental Research, VERIMAG – Institut d'Informatique et Mathématiques Appliquées de Grenoble, UBC – University of California, Berkeley, and APDL – Administration of the Ports of Douro and Leixões, SA.
The main technological objectives of the PISCIS project are:
Demonstration of an innovative approach for real-time underwater exploration with multiple autonomous underwater vehicles. This approach allows detailed study of ocean areas spanning tens of square kilometers with unprecedented spatial resolution.
Demonstration of the technological basis for a family of low-cost autonomous underwater vehicles that are easily programmable and reconfigurable.
Design and construction of a demonstration system for an autonomous underwater vehicle for low-cost operation in Portuguese coastal waters. This vehicle will feature a modular architecture and can be configured for various mission types.
Demonstration of the operational capabilities of the PISCIS system in applications such as oceanography, bathymetry, maritime archaeology, and effluent monitoring.
Demonstration of cooperative capabilities with other autonomous vehicles, including aerial vehicles from the University of California, Berkeley.
In addition to these main objectives, the project involves parallel developments in various technologies, each with specific objectives:
Acoustic positioning system: An extension of previous developments for the simultaneous positioning of multiple vehicles, which can be used independently of the PISCIS system.
Inertial navigation system: Important for operating in larger ocean areas where the use of acoustic beacons may not be practical. This system, installed on one of the vehicles, will use high-precision inertial navigation and an ADCP for measuring absolute speeds, allowing precise navigation without acoustic signals for extended periods.
Submarine docking system: For remote monitoring of data with targeted interventions triggered by phenomena.
Formation control of vehicles with low communication rates: Important not only for underwater applications where low communication rates are a technological limitation but also for other applications where these rates are an environmental or mission requirement, such as military applications.
Operation interfaces: Essential for the ease of use of the system, including mission specification and result analysis. This technology is crucial for the project's success and may also be integrated with oceanographic databases.
This project is co-funded by POSI (Operational Program of the Information Society) through the Consortium Research and Development Measure, with a total investment value of €1,062,902 and an average co-funding rate of approximately 75%.
For more information, please consult the project’s website here
The SCOPe project involves designing an integrated organizational model for managing processes related to the electronic transfer and circulation of cargo and discharge manifests at the Port of Leixões. This model encompasses all actors within the Port Community, including APDL, S.A. (port authority), Leixões Customs (customs authority), freight forwarders, shipping agents, customs brokers, shipowners or maritime operators, and cargo loaders and receivers.
Main Objective
The primary goal of the project is to achieve the standardization of manifests, harmonization and simplification of processes, and the electronic circulation of manifests among the different actors in the Port Community of Leixões.
The model to be developed and implemented by the project's main partners aims to meet the informational and organizational requirements of all Port Community actors in terms of interoperability and modernization of regulatory mechanisms, optimizing the use of telematics in the Leixões logistics chain.
The model is intended to be open, critical, interoperable with heterogeneous environments, flexible, scalable, compatible with models being standardized by UN/CEFACT, and capable of overcoming limitations found in existing solutions, particularly concerning intelligent process monitoring, performance evaluation, and compensation and certification services.
The project's innovation lies in addressing process innovation (related to cargo/loading and unloading manifests in the logistics chain) to ensure their customs value, fostering product innovation (software associated with processes), ensuring interoperability (designing the certification process to regulate the inclusion of new participants in the system), and promoting the national dissemination of the solution through a clear partition of national standard subsets and local specificity.
Main Partners
The main partners of this project represent a sufficiently comprehensive sample of the organizational reality in the Port of Leixões:
Coordination: APDL, Customs, INESC Porto, AGEPOR (Association of Shipping Agents), and APAT (Association of Freight Forwarders of Portugal)
Port Operators: TCL and TCGL
Shipping Agents: Burmester, E A Moreira, Euronave, Ibero Linhas, Navex, Garland, Sofrena, Pinto Basto, and David José de Pinho
Freight Forwarders: Portocargo, Rangel, and Trevomar
Customs Brokers: Laroze, Nascimar, and Intermesum
Loader: Soporcel
Software Houses: APIE, Atlanta, Maeil, FCR, and IBS
Associated PartnersThe project also includes a significant number of associated partners:
Shipowners: Cosco Europe, Holland Maas Shipping, NYK Line, Vieira & Silva, Mutualista Açoriana, Andrew Weir Shipping, and Portlink
Cargo Loaders/Receivers: Corticeira Amorim and Invicta Comércio Internacional
Shipping Agents: ASECO, ALPI Portugal, AMI, ATN, Box Lines, Knudsen, Guinave, ICC, IBESMAR – SAGEMAR, Keller, Lusofrete, Marax, Ninfetrans, Orey, Portmar, Rawes, and Transtráfico
Freight Forwarders: MacAndrews, Speditur, Olicargo, Eurolis, Cargolândia, Morais, Napoleão & Soares, and NCL
The project, with a total investment of €1.9 million, has been submitted for funding under the Consortium Research measure, as part of the POCTI and POSI operational programs, managed by the Innovation Agency. The co-financing rates assigned to most of the project's main partners range between 55% and 60% of eligible expenses.