Risk Management

The Corruption and Related Offenses Risk Prevention Plan and its respective technical documentation, in its latest revision approved by the Board of Directors on May 9, 2019, complies with the Recommendations of the Corruption Prevention Council, such as Recommendation of July 1, 2015, Recommendation No. 1/2010, published in DR No. 71, 2nd series, of April 13, 2010, and Recommendation No. 1/2009 published in DR No. 140, 2nd series, of July 22, 2009.


Enterprise Risk Management Manual, including corruption and related offenses risks

Management Risk Prevention and Mitigation Plan, including corruption and related offenses risks

Risk Management Policy

Regulation of the Risk Management Committee of APDL, SA

Annual Execution Report - 2021

Annual Execution Report - 2020

Quality and Certification


APDL renews the Certification of its Quality Management System, according to the NP EN ISO 9001:2015 standard, awarded by Lloyd's Register Quality Assurance (a renowned company in the sector).

The achievement of this strategic goal, pursued since 2010, is the result of ongoing audit work, review, and monitoring, reflecting the continuous improvement of services.

APDL stands out in the maritime-port and inland navigation sector by applying the best and most recent international practices in its management system (which spans all services of the various business units). In this way, it promotes a global Quality Policy aligned with its strategic planning, following the principles established by process management, risk-based thinking, and continuous improvement, as defined in the NP EN ISO 9001:2015 standard. This aims for the full satisfaction of all relevant stakeholders and alignment with market evolution.

The company thus embarks on a new cycle (2022 to 2024), with annual follow-ups of the entire Quality Management System, continuing its Certification.

  • To be the best port and logistics complex on the Atlantic front of Europe, with a focus on the environment, technology, and resilience.

  • To develop and achieve the best integrated logistics solutions for our clients and partners. To promote a more efficient and

    robust multimodal logistics system (port, rail, and river), focused on decarbonisation and energy transition.

  • Sharing, coordination, and integration of infrastructures and competencies among the three business units of APDL;

    Leadership in sustainability and innovation;

    Customer orientation and a systematic approach to excellence;

    Ethics, loyalty, and pride in belonging to the company.a;

    Motivation and recognition of employee merit;

    Reliability, safety, and environmental protection in operations;

    Value creation and financial sustainability;

    Full exercise of port authority oriented towards the public interest;

    Integration with the surroundings and promotion of regional development.

Development of the Quality Policy

In pursuit of the strategic objectives of Administração dos Portos do Douro, Leixões e Viana do Castelo, S.A., framed within four strategic pillars: (a) business, (b) infrastructure and information structure, (c) internal management, and (d) sustainability, the company develops efficient and economically competitive services with recognized standards of quality and safety. These services aim continuously and sustainably to meet criteria of excellence through continuous improvement and operational efficiency in internal management, ongoing business enhancement and consolidation, strengthening the company's position, and the proper development and innovation of infrastructure and information structures. This includes developing the capabilities, skills, and motivation of its employees, maintaining practices of engagement and partnership with clients, suppliers, and other relevant stakeholders, and valuing sustainability conditions and practices in commitment and integration with the surrounding environment.

The Quality Policy adopted by the company thus demonstrates a constant alignment with strategic objectives and, in this sense, the commitment of the entire organization to the continuous development and improvement of the quality of its services and processes. This aims to adhere to the principles established by process management, risk-based thinking, continuous improvement of system effectiveness, and the satisfaction of its clients and relevant stakeholders.

  • The guidelines defined by this policy ensure compliance with the ISO 28000 standard- Security of the Supply Chain. This certification was achieved under the GISAMP application and in accordance with the standards of the Blue Fund. Obtaining this certification demonstrates the commitment of the Port of Leixões to quality and security in its operations, aiming for continuous customer satisfaction, reinforcing its institutional image, and keeping pace with the ever-changing market.

    The policy of the Supply Chain Security Management System (SG SCA), implemented by Administração dos Portos do Douro, Leixões e Viana do Castelo, S.A. (APDL), aims to establish guidelines to ensure adequate protection against illicit or undesirable actions that may jeopardise the physical integrity, activities, and interests of all stakeholders at the Port of Leixões.

    The guidelines defined by this policy ensure compliance with the ISO 28000 standard.

    Therefore, measures should be implemented to ensure the security of the supply chain within the scope of APDL's SG SCA, aiming to:

    Comply with applicable legislation, regulations, and standards governing the port operations.

    Protect port facilities and other port assets, with particular emphasis on the safety of individuals (employees, visitors, crew members, passengers, surrounding community, etc.) and docked ships.

    Train and guide all involved parties on preventive actions and procedures to follow in the event of a threat, while raising awareness among individuals/employees of the Port Facilities and the Port of Leixões regarding the importance of security, ensuring necessary training and awareness.

    Establish coordination and information exchange relationships with relevant stakeholders in the Supply Chain (SC), aiming to reduce overall risk and, particularly, control threats.

    Ensure the implementation, monitoring, review, auditing, and updating of the management program, testing implemented measures to ensure their effectiveness.

    Continuously improve the system's effectiveness, especially in preventing undesirable situations and their potential consequences..


    Objectives of ISO 28000

    The implementation of the ISO 28000 standard - Supply Chain Security aims primarily to: establish, implement, and enhance security and protection levels in operations, improve security conditions in the logistics chain, ensure the necessary competencies for operational functions, ensure compliance with established security policies, and demonstrate this compliance to third parties.

    At the operational level, ISO 28000 proves to be an extremely useful tool for assessing the performance of equipment, facilities, security processes, and procedures, allowing for the correction of deviations and reducing routine and overconfidence.

    It streamlines and improves the relationship and information transmission among all stakeholders in the Supply Chain, a fact that is reflected in the port's operability.

    For top management, decision-making becomes simpler, faster, and more assertive. The risk analyses conducted each year and the information gathered in operational control, along with their comparative confrontation with previous years - reflected in the Management Review Report - provide them with an overview of the assessment of the Supply Chain Security Management System. ISO 28000 also allows for more effective management of complaints and greater interaction among the various "actors" in the supply chain and the Port Authority, thus ensuring constant alignment with the company's strategic objectives.

    The implementation of ISO 28000 will enable the recognition of supply chain management, benefiting from the reduction of risk levels for people, facilities, and goods, establishing an international standard for all business processes, prioritizing quality and security in operations carried out at the Port of Leixões.

    In conclusion: ISO 28000 is unequivocally a tool of EXCELLENCE in management, which will reinforce APDL's corporate reputation and visibility, retain current clients, and, in the future, enhance the capture of new market niches.



  • The entity responsible for railway infrastructure management, APDL obtained its Safety Authorization No. PT 21 2023 0001 issued by IMT on 01/02/2023

    The policy of the Safety Management System for freight railway terminals ensures compliance with Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) No. 2018/762 of 8 March 2018, which establishes common safety methods regarding safety management system requirements, in accordance with Directive (EU) 2016/798 of the European Parliament and of the Council. This regulation revokes Commission Regulations (EU) No. 1158/2010 and (EU) No. 1169/2010 and will be updated in line with strategic objectives and considering safety objectives and assessments conducted by APDL.

    Therefore, measures should be implemented to ensure railway safety within the scope of APDL's Safety Management System for Freight Railway Terminals (SGSTFM), with the following objectives:

    Comply with applicable legislation, regulations, and standards governing railway safety.

    Promote a positive safety culture across European railways.

    Protect railway and port facilities and other railway assets, with particular emphasis on people and cargo.

    Empower and guide involved personnel on preventive actions and procedures to follow in the event of a threat, while raising awareness among individuals/workers at Railway Facilities and the Port of Leixões regarding the importance of safety, ensuring necessary training and awareness.

    Establish coordination and information exchange relationships with relevant stakeholders in Railway Safety, aiming to reduce overall risk and, particularly, control threats.

    Reduce operational risk through a broader assessment of risks and a deeper understanding of workplace conditions and risks, at all levels of the organization and activities conducted by third parties.

    Decrease the occurrence of worker injuries by eliminating identified risks through more reports of "near misses."

    Decrease unsafe conditions and acts through increased worker engagement and leadership development.

    Reduce costs related to worker injuries and unsafe conditions and acts.

    Improve performance through a deeper understanding of workplace conditions.

    Ensure the implementation, monitoring, review, audit, and update of the management program, testing implemented measures to ensure their effectiveness.

    Continuously improve the system's effectiveness, especially in preventing undesirable situations and their potential consequences.