Work-Life Balance

Quality of life and balancing work and personal life for employees are integral parts of the company's human resources policy, extending health and education benefits to employees' families.


Support for Employees:

Support for studies, including increasing educational levels, promoting recognition, validation, and certification of skills, MBAs, postgraduate studies, specializations, etc.

Implementation of flexible and hybrid schedules, alternating between telecommuting and onsite work.

Volunteer program conducted during working hours.

Company cafeteria offering meals at a price below the meal subsidy.

Celebration of international days and Christmas initiatives.

Idea contest.


Support for Family and Parenthood:

Support for children's education, extended to retirees of the company.

School awards for employees' children.

Incentives for childbirth and support for childhood.

Junior training for employees' children.s.

Support for the elderly..

Senior training for retireess.

Parenthood Guide.


Health and well-being Support:

Disease prevention programs, including additional exams, vaccination, awareness campaigns, various screenings, etc.

Group health insurance;

APDL Health Program;