APDL is responsible for managing the Ports of Leixões, Viana do Castelo, and the Douro Navigable Waterway. It is one of the most disruptive companies in the country, with a direct influence on 6% of national GDP and employment, and 11% of GDP and employment in the northern region.
Prepared for the challenges of the future, we view port resilience as a driving factor for the sustainability of our activities, leading to a paradigm of carbon neutrality and efficiency in our operations and services.
We aim to boost the technology of port operations and improve maritime accessibility to enhance the capacity of our ports, in an integrated domain between cargo handling, logistics, and passenger services.
Embracing our legacy, today we represent innovation, science, art, community, tourism, and an active partner in developing new solutions in the port ecosystem, focusing on business and diversifying into new business units based on renewable energies, intermodality, and digitalization processes.
Aware of the challenges facing the country and the surrounding community, we continue to acknowledge the strategic importance of our infrastructure for the local, regional, and national economy, promoting a sustainable and ambitious vision for the territory.
  • Mission


    Develop and achieve the best integrated logistical solutions for our clients and partners. Promote a more efficient and robust multimodal logistics system (port, rail, and river), focusing on decarbonization and energy transition.

  • Vision


    To be the premier port and logistics complex on the Atlantic facade of Europe, with a focus on the environment, technology, and resilience.

  • Hand


    Sharing, coordination, and integration of infrastructure and skills among the three business units of APDL;

    Leadership in sustainability and innovation;

    Customer orientation and a systematic posture of excellence;

    Ethics, loyalty, and pride in belonging to the company;

    Motivation and recognition of employees' merit;

    Reliability, safety, and environmental safeguarding in operations;

    Value creation and financial sustainability;

    Full exercise of port authority guided by the public interest;

    Integration with the surroundings and promotion of regional development;

As APDL, as a socially responsible company, has been pursuing a human resources management model that respects relevant ethical and social values, particularly the principles of equal opportunities, fair treatment, and non-discrimination. There is a commitment to promoting the professional, social, and emotional well-being of all employees within the company.

As nossas pessoas

Articles os Association


    Name, Duration, Registered Office, and Purpose


    Chapter 1.º

    Name and Duration


    1 - The company adopts the form of a public limited company with exclusively public capital and the name of APDL - Administração dos Portos do Douro, Leixões e Viana do Castelo, S.A., abbreviated as APDL, S.A.

    2 - The company has an unlimited duration.


    Chapter 2.º



    1 - The company has its registered office at Avenida da Liberdade, in Leça da Palmeira, Matosinhos.

    2 - By resolution of the board of directors, the company may change its registered office and also establish or close the forms of representation it deems necessary to pursue its statutory purposes at any point within the national territory or abroad.


    Chapter 3.º



    1 - APDL, S.A., has as its object the administration of the ports of Douro, Leixões, and Viana do Castelo, as well as the navigable waterway of the Douro River, aiming at their economic exploitation, conservation, and development, encompassing the exercise of the competences and prerogatives of port authority that are or may be entrusted to it.

    2 – APDL, S.A. may also develop ancillary or complementary activities to those referred to in the previous paragraph, including dry ports, intermodal road-rail terminals, and related services and infrastructures under its management, located within or outside its area of jurisdiction.


    Share Capital, Shares, and Bonds


    Artigo 4.º

    Share Capital


    1 - The share capital, fully subscribed and paid-up, amounts to €51,035,000 and is divided into 10,207,000 shares, with a nominal value of €5 each.

    2 - As ações são nominativas e revestem a forma escritural.

    3 - The shares representing the share capital must belong exclusively to the State, to legal entities of public law, to public companies, or to companies with exclusively public capital.

    4 - Increases in share capital are always decided by the general assembly, without prejudice to the provisions of the preceding paragraph.

    5 - The company may issue, both in the domestic and foreign capital markets, bonds and other debt securities, in accordance with current legislation.


    Corporate Bodies



    General Provision


    Article 5.º

    Corporate Bodies


    1 - The company has as its corporate bodies the general assembly, the board of directors, the supervisory board, and the statutory auditor or auditing firm, with competences defined by law and these bylaws.

    2 - The members of the corporate bodies are considered vested as soon as they have been elected and remain in office until the appointment of their successors.



    General Assembly

    Article 6.º

    Participation in theGeneral Assembly


    1 - The general assembly is composed of shareholders with voting rights.

    2 - One vote corresponds to every 100 shares. Shareholders owning a lower number of shares may group together so that, collectively, and represented by one of the group members, they meet the conditions necessary to exercise the voting rights.

    3 -The State is represented at the general assembly by the person appointed by order of the government members responsible for the areas of finance and the relevant sector of activity.

    4 - Shareholders who are legal entities shall indicate, by letter addressed to the chairman of the board, who represents them at the general meeting.

    5 - No shareholder can be represented by more than one person at the same session of the general meeting.

    6 - The members of the board of directors and the supervisory board must attend the general meeting and may participate in the proceedings. The statutory auditor or auditing firm that has examined the accounts must be present at the annual general meeting but does not have voting rights in that capacity.

    7 - Voting by correspondence is not permitted..


    Article 7.º

    Meetings and Resolutions of the General Meetinge


    1 - The general meeting shall meet once a year to consider the financial statements and accompanying reports and opinions, when its convocation is requested by a shareholder or shareholders holding shares representing at least 5% of the share capital, and whenever the board of directors or the supervisory board deem it necessary.

    2 - The general meeting's board consists of a chairman and a secretary, elected at the general meeting for a term of three years.

    3 - The general meeting shall be convened at least 30 days in advance by registered letter, indicating explicitly the matters to be addressed.

    4 - The general meeting for the election of members of the corporate bodies cannot deliberate unless shareholders representing at least 51% of the share capital are present or represented.


    Article 8.º

    Competences of the General Meeting


    1 - The general meeting deliberates on all matters for which the law or these bylaws grant it competence.

    2 - In particular, it is incumbent upon the general meeting to:

    a) Deliberate on the management report and the accounts of the financial year, as well as on the proposal for the allocation of results, and to make a general assessment of the administration and supervision of the company;

    b) Approve the annual and multi-year plans for maritime, river, and land works and equipment of the ports under the jurisdiction of APDL, S.A., and of the navigable waterway of the Douro River;

    c) Approve the annual operating and investment budget;

    d) Elect and dismiss the members of the general meeting board, the board of directors, and the supervisory board, the statutory auditor or the auditing firm;

    e) Decide on any amendments to the bylaws and increases in capital;

    f) Decide on the remuneration of the members of the corporate bodies, and may, for this purpose, appoint a remuneration committee;

    g) Authorize the acquisition and disposal of real estate and the realization of investments when their value exceeds 10% of the share capital;

    h) Decide on the issuance of bonds or other debt securities;

    i) Decide on the issuance or conversion of shares or other securities in book-entry form.



    Board of Directors


    Article 9.º

    Composition of the Board of Directors


    1 - The board of directors is composed of a chairman and up to three directors, one of whom is designated or proposed by the government member responsible for the area of finance, who must expressly approve any matter whose financial impact on the company exceeds 1% of the net assets.

    2 - The term of office for members of the board of directors is three years, renewable for up to a maximum of three consecutive renewals.

    3 - In his absence or impediment, the chairman of the board of directors is replaced by the director appointed by him for that purpose.


    Article 10.º

    Competences of tyhe Board of Directors


    The board of directors manages the company's business and carries out all acts and operations related to the corporate purpose that do not fall within the competence of other corporate bodies. Its responsibilities include:

    a) Prepare the annual and multi-year plans for maritime, river, and land works and equipment of the ports under the jurisdiction of APDL, S.A., and of the navigable waterway of the Douro River, as well as a program of activities for the railway infrastructure under its management, which includes investment and financing plans, to be submitted for approval by the general meeting;

    b) Construct, acquire, maintain, and supervise maritime, river, and land works, floating and land equipment of the ports under the jurisdiction of APDL, S.A., and the navigable waterway of the Douro River, as well as maintain the depths and their accesses;

    c) Ensure the permanent maintenance of infrastructure conditions, conservation, and safety of railway traffic on the railway infrastructure managed by APDL, S.A;

    d) Draft the necessary regulations for the operation of the ports under the jurisdiction of APDL, S.A., and the navigable waterway of the Douro River;

    e) Exercise, authorize, and regulate port activities under the jurisdiction of APDL, S.A., and those related to the management of the navigability of the Douro River, or activities directly related to them, concerning ship and cargo movement, storage, and other services such as water supply, electricity, and other forms of energy, fuels, and equipment rental, and apply the sanctions provided for by law, without prejudice to the competence conferred on other entities;

    f) Operate, or authorize, railway activities on the railway infrastructure managed by APDL, S.A.;

    g) Prepare the budget and its amendments;

    h) Prepare and submit to the general meeting for approval the management report and the annual accounts, as well as the proposal for the allocation of results;

    i) Define the structure and general organization of APDL, S.A.;

    j) Appoint and dismiss the heads of services, as well as hire, contract, and dismiss the staff necessary for the performance of APDL, S.A.'s tasks, and exercise disciplinary power over them, in accordance with applicable laws and regulations;

    k) Decide on loans or other financial operations;

    l) Authorize the granting of subsidies to official or private organizations whose activities directly or indirectly concern APDL, S.A.'s action, as well as to social and cultural projects;

    m) Administer the public domain within its jurisdiction, grant licenses and concessions for its use, and define the public interest in its private use for concession purposes;

    n) Grant the concession for the operation of port facilities, services, or activities related to them, as well as areas intended for industrial or commercial facilities related to those activities;

    o) Grant licenses or concessions, in accordance with applicable legislation, for the exploitation, use, occupation, or exercise of any activities on the lands, buildings, and other infrastructures of the railway public domain under its management;

    p) Request from the users of the ports under the jurisdiction of APDL, S.A., and the navigable waterway of the Douro River statistical data, information, or forecasts concerning the activities carried out in the jurisdiction area, the knowledge of which is relevant for the evaluation or determination of the overall port and river traffic or for any other statistical purpose related to the activity of APDL, S.A.;

    q) Ensure the safety of the port facilities under the jurisdiction of APDL, S.A., and the navigable waterway of the Douro River, by promoting the necessary regulations and using appropriate means and devices;

    r) Ensure the safety of the port facilities and railway infrastructures under the management of APDL, S.A., and the navigable waterway of the Douro River, by promoting the necessary regulations and using appropriate means and devices;

    s) Prepare an emergency plan that includes a list of various organizations to be informed in the event of serious incidents or serious disruptions to railway traffic;

    t) Take out personal, property, or other insurance as necessary;

    u) Acquire and lease or lease out real estate, as well as sell those that do not fall within the public domain, located within or outside the jurisdiction area, in accordance with applicable legislation;

    v) Collect and receive the revenues from the operation of the ports under the jurisdiction of APDL, S.A., and the navigable waterway of the Douro River, and all other revenues legally belonging to it, and authorize the refund of improperly collected amounts;

    w) Collect and receive the revenues from the operation of ports, other railway infrastructures under its management, and all other revenues legally belonging to it, as well as authorize the refund of improperly collected amounts;

    x) Promote expropriation for public utility of real estate and exercise administrative, port, and railway servitudes;

    y) Approve internal regulations for the implementation of these bylaws and necessary for the proper functioning of the services and ensure their compliance;

    z) Represent the company in and out of court, both actively and passively, with the power to withdraw, settle, and confess in any lawsuits, as well as conclude arbitration agreements;

    aa) Appoint proxies for the company with the powers it deems appropriate;

    ab) Exercise any other powers conferred on it by law or the general meeting.


    Article 11.º

    Delegation of Powers


    Without prejudice to the provisions of Article 407(2) of the Commercial Companies Code, the board of directors may delegate some or all of its powers to one or more of its members, defining in minutes the limits and conditions of such delegation.


    Article 12.º

    Binding of the company


    1 - The company binds itself:

    a) By the signature of two members of the board of directors, one of whom is the president or their substitute;

    b) By the signature of one director, when there is express delegation by the board of directors for the performance of a specific act;

    c) By the signature of an appointed representative within the scope of their mandate.

    2 - For matters of mere routine, the signature of one member of the board of directors is sufficient.


    Article 13.º

    Responsibilities of the Chairman of the Board of Directors


    1 - It is the responsibility of the chairman of the board of directors to coordinate and provide general guidance to the activities of this body, especially:

    a) Summon the board of directors, set the agenda, and preside over its meetings;

    b) Represent the board, both in and out of court, without prejudice to other representatives or agents being designated for this purpose.

    2 - Whenever exceptional and urgent circumstances demand it, and it is not possible to convene the board of directors, the chairman may carry out any acts within the competence of the board. However, such acts are subject to ratification at the first meeting held after their execution.


    Article 14.º

    Functioning of the Board of Directors


    1 - The board of directors meets regularly once a week and, exceptionally, when summoned by the chairman, at his initiative, or upon request of two other members.

    2 - The board of directors can only deliberate when the majority of its members are present.

    3 - Decisions of the board of directors are made by an absolute majority of the votes cast, with the chairman, or their substitute, having a casting vote if necessary.

    4 - Decisions of the board of directors are recorded in minutes, signed by the members present at the meeting.

    5 - The absence of a board member from more than two meetings of this body per year, whether consecutive or intermittent, without justification accepted by the board of directors, leads to a permanent absence of the director, necessitating their replacement in accordance with the Commercial Companies Code.



    Fiscal Council


    Article 15.º


    1 - The supervision of the company is the responsibility of a supervisory board and an official auditor or an auditing firm, which is not a member of that body, all elected in a general meeting for a period of three years.

    2 - The supervisory board consists of a chairman, two regular members, and one substitute.


    Article 16.º


    In addition to the competencies established by law and these bylaws, it is the responsibility, in particular, of the supervisory bodies:

    a) Attend board of directors' meetings, as required by law or whenever deemed appropriate;

    b) Provide opinions on any matter presented to it by the board of directors;

    c) Issue opinions on the budget, balance sheet, inventory, and annual accounts;

    d) Present to the board of directors any matter that should be considered by it.


    Financial and Patrimonial Regime


    Article 17.º

    Gestão financeira e patrimonial


    1 - In its financial and patrimonial management, APDL, S.A., must observe legal and regulatory rules and apply the principles of good corporate governance to ensure its economic viability and financial balance.

    2 - Throughout financial and patrimonial management, separate accounting must be ensured between the public service activity of managing railway infrastructure and the other activities of APDL, S.A.


    Article 18.º



    1 - The revenues of APDL, S.A. consist of:

    a) Contributions, subsidies, and financial compensations from the State or any entities, public or private, national or foreign, including those resulting from access to European Structural and Investment Funds;

    b) Proceeds from fees, charges, and other revenues resulting from licenses, approvals, similar acts, and services provided within its activity scope;

    c) Proceeds from fees and other revenues resulting from the operation, concession, and licensing of port activities under the jurisdiction of APDL, S.A., and the navigable waters of the Douro River, port areas, and associated real estate areas, as well as the management of railway infrastructure assigned to it and its usage;

    d) Income from the management of movable and immovable property, as well as, to the extent that the respective revenue is attributed to it, from the management of State-owned public or private property entrusted to its administration;

    e) Income from its own assets and the proceeds from their sale and the establishment of rights over them;

    f) Income from financial investments, without prejudice to the principle of treasury unity, where applicable;

    g) Due compensations, donations, and legacies granted by public or private entities;

    h) Legal amounts resulting from fines and other penalties;

    i) Revenue from the sale of publications and patented processes, particularly for the purpose of awarding projects and works;

    j) Profits or dividends from companies in which it participates;

    k) Compensations from the State for the public service of managing road infrastructure assigned to it;

    l) Any revenues assigned to it by law, contract, or other title.

    2 - The coercive collection of revenues is carried out through tax enforcement, as provided by law.


    Article 19.º


    1 - Expenses within the jurisdiction of APDL, S.A., concerning the operation and management of the ports of Douro, Leixões, and Viana do Castelo, the navigable waters of the Douro River, and the railway infrastructure under its management, include any and all charges resulting from the operation of the services assigned to it, the pursuit of its assignments, the exercise of related competencies, and participation in necessary operations.

    2 - Additionally, expenses within the jurisdiction of APDL, S.A., concerning the operation and management of the ports of Douro, Leixões, and Viana do Castelo, the navigable waters of the Douro River, and the railway infrastructure under its management, include the interest and amortization of loans that may be contracted, in accordance with legal provisions, to directly or indirectly ensure the operation and management of the aforementioned facilities.


    Disposições finais

    Article 20.º

    Allocation of Profits


    1 - The positive results of each fiscal year, duly approved, are allocated as follows:

    a) A minimum of 10% for the constitution or integration of the legal reserve, until reaching the legally required amount;

    b) Other applications imposed by law;

    c) A percentage to be distributed among the shareholders as dividends, to be defined by the general meeting, by majority vote;

    d) For other purposes that the general meeting decides are in the interest of the company.

    2 - Whenever the volume of the results justifies it, the general meeting may decide to allocate to the employees and members of the board of directors, as profit-sharing and based on criteria defined by it, a percentage of these results, not exceeding 10%.


    Article 21.º

    Dissolution abd Liquidation


    1 - The company is dissolved in the cases and terms provided by law.

    2 - The liquidation of the company is governed by the provisions of the law and the resolutions of the general meeting.



The APDL - Administration of the Ports of Douro, Leixões, and Viana do Castelo, SA, is a publicly-owned limited company that exclusively manages the Ports of Leixões, Viana, and the Douro Navigable Waterway, aiming for their economic exploitation, conservation, and development, encompassing the exercise of port authority competencies and prerogatives that are or may be entrusted to it.

  • The jurisdictional area encompasses the marginal strip of the maritime public domain from the alignment of the axis of Rua da Bélgica on Lavadores Beach to the parallel of the Boa Nova lighthouse, north of the Port of Leixões, and also includes the following two zones:

    The Porto do Douro zone includes the entire estuary of the Douro River, from 200 meters upstream of the Luis I Bridge to the mouth, along with all its shores, anchorages, quays, docks, and existing or future embankments.

    The Porto de Leixões zone encompasses breakwaters, the area enclosed by them, and the existing or to be built docks, the course of the Leça River up to the old Guifões mills bridge, and the land area delimited by the respective public domain.

  • The jurisdictional area encompasses the upstream marina dock adjacent to the city park on the north bank of the Lima River, extending to the water surface adjacent to the marina, following along the waterfront to the old commercial dock, which is included along with the warehouses of the tidal dock, continuing along the outer boundary of the shipyards, up to the north beach business park,

    continuing along Avenida do Atlântico until reaching the base of the north breakwater, then proceeding south along the alignment of this breakwater to the lighthouse.

    On the south bank, it starts at the Eiffel Bridge, following along National Road 13-5 (Avenida do Cabedelo) to Cabedelo Beach, approximately 50 meters south of the south breakwater.

  • The powers and competencies mentioned are pursued and exercised within the areas located within the water domain and in the maritime, fluvial-maritime, and terrestrial zones necessary for the operation and management of the Douro Navigable Waterway and for the execution and conservation of the existing or ongoing works therein.
    The entire bed and parcels of the banks directly associated with and necessary for the infrastructure and equipment, existing or to be built, to support navigation of the Douro Navigable Waterway and the waters

    of the Douro River, from the mouth of the Águeda River, a tributary of the left bank of the Douro River, to its respective bar, as well as the tributaries of this stretch of the Douro River up to the profile where the bed of this tributary meets the maximum normal retention level of the Douro River reservoir into which this tributary flows, including the locks and quaysides;
    The river accesses to the quaysides and maneuvering areas, the embankments adjacent to the port areas, and the terrestrial accesses inserted in these connection areas to municipal and national roads.




The APDL Development Strategy is structured taking into consideration our Mission, Vision, and Values, considering all business areas, Strategic Objectives grouped into Strategic Intervention Axes, and also the Critical Development Factors of the company and its port system.

The strategy aims to achieve a set of Strategic Objectives (SO) that presuppose and aim to take advantage of APDL's competitive advantages and its port system, leverage its defense capabilities, address its reorientation needs, and correct its vulnerabilities.

To promote articulation and integration of the three business units managed by APDL into a cohesive whole, the SOs were grouped into Strategic Intervention Axes (SIA), which seek to address challenges, facilitate the alignment of SOs among business units, represent a concerted strategy for APDL, and contribute to consolidating and aligning the actions of relevant stakeholders for the implementation of the adopted development strategy. Linking SOs to these strategic axes helps to frame in a logical structure the actions to be taken to achieve the desired strategic development.

The SIAs cover the four main areas in which APDL should act as the entity responsible for port and logistics business and as the managing entity of a set of infrastructures, which must ensure their internal cohesion, notably considering the new configuration in the port system, and contribute to the sustainability of the territories where they operate.

Business: Consolidation and Diversification of Business

Infrastructure/Infostructure: Development of port and intermodal infrastructures

Internal Management: Increase internal cohesion

Sustainability: Sustainability and integration with the surrounding environment

  • The critical success factors outlined below identify key issues for the successful implementation of APDL's development strategy and its port system. They serve as a guide for prioritizing actions to ensure focus on what is truly strategic and should be treated as such:

    º Mobilization and engagement of APDL's internal structure and its stakeholders

    º Mitigation of environmental impacts from port operations (especially in Leixões)

    º Strengthening of integrated offerings supported by logistics platforms, both to increase value and to increase capacity on the land side (especially in Leixões)

    º Construction of the terminal at -14.8m (ZH) in Leixões

    º Improvement of Maritime Accessibility to the port of Leixões

    º Conversion of the South Container Terminal


  • º Coordination of all entities (24/7)

    º Improvement of Maritime Accessibility to the port of Viana do Castelo

    º Renewal of cargo handling equipment at the port of Viana do Castelo

    º Road access to the commercial port of Viana do Castelo

    º Ro-ro ramp in Viana do Castelo

    º Coordinated management of Viana do Castelo port with third parties (notably EDP and territorial development agents)

    º Navigation safety (widening and deepening of the Douro Navigable Waterway channel)

    º Modernization of locks on the Douro Navigable Waterway

    º Additional quays on the Douro River for tourist cruises

    º Night navigation on the Douro Navigable Waterway

Corporate Governance

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